Saturday, August 11, 2012

Larry Anglebooger Event: Friday, Aug 10 2012

The kids and I went to see Tom Angleberger's performance and signing at Richmond kid's book shop, bbgb. He's the author of the Origami Yoda series, Horton Halfpott and Fake Mustache among others. For someone from Virginia (!) he certainly commands a dedicated mass of kid readers. The assembled youngsters knew his books, boy howdy. Tom is the husband of Cece Bell, herself a fab kid's book author and illustrator. They both be talented and mighty funny. If you have kids, you gotta check out their books. Really. I insist. Madeline took the following photos with one of those I-things.

Tom draws based on audience input

Larry at the autograph table
Dwight from the Origami Yoda series
Fako Mustacho!
Promo Wookie Standee for the latest installment

Being a "friend of the family" has some advantages. Years ago Tom made a DogBot video for one of my songs, "Getting Involved." I'm not sure I completely understand the video, but here 'tis.

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